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Mix together different elements to create a compound:
Search for chemicals by name, chemical formula or other identifier.
Get information about a chemical compound:
Specify a compound by chemical identifier:
Compare several compounds:
Mix together different elements to create a compound:
Use the curated Wolfram Knowledgebase to explore different experimentally determined properties such as melting point, viscosity, surface tension and more.
Request a property of a chemical compound:
Get mass properties for chemical compounds:
Compare properties of multiple compounds:
Do computations with chemical properties:
Compute a property at a specified temperature:
Find a threshold limit value:
Find the speed of sound in a chemical:
Find a UV cutoff wavelength for a chemical:
Look up an identifier for a compound:
Query the Wolfram Knowledgebase for information regarding organic molecules.
Compare different organic chemicals:
Query for a class of organic chemicals:
Compare properties of two or more organic molecules:
Explore details of inorganic molecules with Wolfram|Alpha.
Get properties for a single inorganic chemical:
Find inorganic chemicals by name:
Query for a class of inorganic chemicals:
Use Wolfram|Alpha to learn about molecular formulas.
Find chemicals with a particular formula:
Compare different types of chemical formulas:
Explore the four major types of biological macromolecules, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids, as well as smaller molecules.
Analyze a protein:
See examples of lipids, including glycerophospholipids, fatty acids and more:
View nucleic acids:
Learn more about compounds by exploring their three-dimensional structures.
Show a ball and stick model:
Show molecules using a space-filling model:
See a structure diagram:
Draw the Lewis dot structure: