Use Wolfram|Alpha to explore the elements of the periodic table.
Find the number of elements:
Get information about a chemical element:
Find elements meeting given criteria:
Plot a property for a class of elements:
Use Wolfram|Alpha to explore the elements of the periodic table.
Find the number of elements:
Get information about a chemical element:
Find elements meeting given criteria:
Plot a property for a class of elements:
Search for chemicals by name, chemical formula or other identifier.
Get information about a chemical compound:
Specify a compound by chemical identifier:
Compare different organic chemicals:
See examples of lipids, including glycerophospholipids, fatty acids and more:
Learn about positively and negatively charged ions and their properties.
Get information about an ion:
Compare several ions:
Compare ions of a given element:
Find a particular property value for a class of ions:
Compute extensive properties for chemicals, which depend on the amount of substance present, and convert quantities between different units.
Enter quantities by mass:
Find the number of moles from a given mass:
Convert quantities to volumes:
Explore properties of different solutions, which depend on the solvent, solute and concentration.
Compute properties of a chemical solution:
Compute properties of a quantity of a solution:
Do titration computations:
Do dilution computations:
Use Wolfram|Alpha to balance chemical equations, determine reaction stoichiometry and predict products.
Balance a chemical equation:
Calculate reaction stoichiometry:
Find chemical reactions using reactants or products:
Compute thermodynamic properties such as entropy, heat capacity or vapor pressure for a wide variety of chemicals.
Find properties of a substance in a given phase:
Compute properties at a specified temperature:
Do computations with the Arrhenius equation:
Estimate thermodynamic properties using the Joback method:
Explore functional groups such as cyanates, peroxides, alkanes and halides.
Get information about a functional group:
Get information about a protecting group:
Find protecting group behavior under specified conditions:
Use Wolfram|Alpha to explore cheminformatics properties from graph invariants like Balaban's J index or the Hosoya index to QSAR descriptors like the hydrogen donor count or the longest chain.
Find the largest common substructure between two molecules:
Find aromatic atoms:
Find hydrogen bond donors and acceptors:
Compute a set of topological indices for a molecule:
Connect chemical properties with the underlying quantum mechanical nature of atoms and molecules.
Assemble the electronic configuration:
Assemble the ground-state orbital diagram:
Look up the atomic radius:
Count the number of valence electrons:
Explore properties of electronic orbitals and the bonds they form. Find bonds by their constituent atoms, by their bond type or by the parent chemical.
Get a summary of the bond information for a chemical:
Compute hybridization in a compound:
Compare hybridization in two compounds:
Investigate nuclear chemistry with Wolfram|Alpha.
Write the nuclide symbol:
Find the neutron number:
Calculate binding energies:
Investigate the source of elements: