Explore and compare economic data within the United States.
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Explore and compare economic data within the United States.
Compare economic data for the US:
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Compute salary figures for a given occupation or between different occupations.
Get salary data for a given occupation:
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Examine the workforce statistics for a country and compare it to another country's statistics.
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Learn more about the wealth distribution in a specific country.
Get information about wealth distribution per country:
Compare poverty statistics between countries:
Explore income inequality across US states, cities and ZIP Codes:
Acquire information about the unemployment rate for a US state or a country.
Get unemployment data for a US state:
Compare unemployment in several US cities:
Check out the cost‐of‐living indices for a city before your next big move.
Get cost‐of‐living indices for a city:
Compute a cost‐of‐living comparison:
Explore data on patents and technological research, development and exports.
Explore data on scientific spending, research and publications:
Find and compare national statistics on patents and trademarks filed by residents or nonresidents:
Analyze the livestock population along with crop and meat production in a country.
Get data on meat production in a given country:
Get livestock population data:
Look up data on energy resources and prices.
Get data on energy resources:
Get energy price data:
Navigate the housing market by looking up prices and home value data.
Get home value data:
Compare house prices in several cities:
Determine health‐care costs in your area or by care type.
Get an overview of health‐care costs in a country:
Get details of health‐care costs:
Get and do computations with trade statistics, like import and export values.
Get trade statistics:
Do computations with trade statistics:
Examine the number of visitors to another country.
Get tourism statistics:
Check out telecommunications data, like the number of users in a specific country.
Get telecommunications data for a country:
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