Retrieve and compare detailed statistical analyses of colors.
Get information about a color:
Compute properties of a named color:
Specify an HTML color:
Query a specific property of a color:
Get information about a color tone:
Compare colors:
Retrieve and compare detailed statistical analyses of colors.
Get information about a color:
Compute properties of a named color:
Specify an HTML color:
Query a specific property of a color:
Get information about a color tone:
Compare colors:
Specify colors using any major color system.
Specify a color using red-green-blue (RGB) values:
Specify a color using XYZ values:
Specify a color using CIELAB values:
Combine colors using additive or subtractive mixing.
Add two or more colors:
Specify the gamma correction of a color:
Find complementary or nearby colors or color groups.
Complementary color:
Find a color triad:
Find a color tetrad:
Find a nearby brand color:
Compute with properties specific to colored light.
Explore properties of colored light:
Find facts about the colors of light:
Compare colors of light:
Explore and compare properties of related colors.
Investigate groups of colors:
Examine the color-space properties of a set of colors:
Compare sets of colors:
Convert colors between any two named color spaces.
Convert a hexadecimal RGB color to HSL representation:
Convert a named color to CIELAB representation:
Look up properties of brand-name paint colors.
Specify a paint color by brand and name or number:
Compute color-related properties of a given temperature.
Compute the blackbody radiation color for a temperature: