Visualize and calculate the motion of a simple pendulum for both small and large oscillations.
Analyze the motion of a simple pendulum:
Find equations associated with a pendulum:
Determine the trajectory of a pendulum:
Visualize and calculate the motion of a simple pendulum for both small and large oscillations.
Analyze the motion of a simple pendulum:
Find equations associated with a pendulum:
Determine the trajectory of a pendulum:
Explore the motion of a double pendulum, or a pendulum hung from another pendulum.
Analyze the motion of a double pendulum:
Compute the properties, such as frequency and period of motion, of a pendulum hung from a spring.
Analyze the motion of a spring pendulum:
Examine the motion of a system of two pendulums that are mode locked.
Analyze the motion of a coupled pendulum:
Find the Lagrangian of a system:
Calculate the properties of a torsion, or twisting, pendulum.
Analyze the motion of a torsion pendulum: