Compute the stopping power of different materials, transmittance and properties of radiation absorption.
Compute the stopping power of a material:
Compute properties of radiation absorption:
Compare the radiation absorption of materials:
Compute the stopping power of different materials, transmittance and properties of radiation absorption.
Compute the stopping power of a material:
Compute properties of radiation absorption:
Compare the radiation absorption of materials:
Calculate properties of Cerenkov radiation, such as the speeds of particles and light and the Cerenkov angle.
Compute characteristics of Cerenkov radiation:
Get information about a wide variety of isotopes and their properties, such as decay modes and half life.
Get information about an isotope:
Compare several isotopes:
Do computations with isotope properties:
Use carbon dating to calculate the age of samples based on the ratio of carbon-14 remaining.
Do carbon-dating computations:
Compute properties of nuclear explosions, such as cloud height, air blast radius and fireball duration.
Compute nuclear weapon effects:
Get information about nuclear reactors, such as power generation capacity, construction dates and more.
Get data on a nuclear power station:
Get information about a property of a nuclear reactor:
Calculate scattering cross sections for Rutherford scattering based on scattering angle, target element and energy.
Determine the cross section for Rutherford scattering: