Find the segments of the human genome that match a given nucleotide sequence or analyze the DNA sequence of a particular gene.
Translate a DNA base sequence and find occurrences in the human genome:
Locate a DNA sequence relative to a gene:
Find the segments of the human genome that match a given nucleotide sequence or analyze the DNA sequence of a particular gene.
Translate a DNA base sequence and find occurrences in the human genome:
Locate a DNA sequence relative to a gene:
Explore chromosomal characteristics, such as the total sequence length, and view schematic idiograms illustrating the banding patterns.
Get information about a human chromosome:
Find the location, reference sequence, encoded proteins, function and homologs of a human gene.
Analyze a human gene and locate it on a chromosome:
Analyze allele frequencies or find SNPs associated with a particular gene.
Get information about a SNP:
Find SNPs for a given gene:
Find the amino acids sequence, molecular weight and structure of a human protein.
Analyze a protein: