Find the coordinates of locations around the world or find what exists at a particular set of coordinates.
Locate a point on Earth using latitude-longitude coordinates:
Find the coordinates of a city:
Find the coordinates of locations around the world or find what exists at a particular set of coordinates.
Locate a point on Earth using latitude-longitude coordinates:
Find the coordinates of a city:
Calculate distances between points on the Earth. Determine the limits of the horizon.
Compute the great-circle distance between points on the globe:
Compute the distance between cities:
Compute distances between multiple cities:
Compute the distance to the horizon:
Compute the horizon distance for radio waves:
Visualize the meaning of compass bearings.
Get information about a compass heading:
Get information about the properties of a wide range of geodetic reference ellipsoids.
Get information about a geodetic reference ellipsoid:
Compare multiple ellipsoids:
Get information about a geodetic datum:
Compare multiple geodetic datums:
Calculate the gravitational field for any point on Earth's surface.
Compute the current local gravitational field strength:
Compute the gravitational field strength at specified coordinates:
Compute Earth's geomagnetic field anywhere on the globe and at any time in recent history.
Compute the current local geomagnetic field strength:
Compute the geomagnetic field strength for a given date and location: