Find a line tangent to a curve using the derivative at a point:
Calculate a multivariate tangent plane by examining partial derivatives:
Find a line tangent to a curve using the derivative at a point:
Calculate a multivariate tangent plane by examining partial derivatives:
Calculate inflection points step by step:
Explore step by step a variety of tests to discover the extrema:
Compute the local maxima or minima of a function:
Show the steps for finding the global minima or maxima of a function:
Discover how to calculate the extrema of a function on a given interval:
Find the average value of an equation on an interval:
Look through the steps to find the average value of a derivative on an interval:
Learn how to compute the area between curves:
Calculate the arc length of a curve step by step:
Specify a curve in polar coordinates:
Specify a curve parametrically: