Compute roots using specific starting points, precisions and numerical methods.
Find the roots of an equation using Newton's method:
Find the roots of an equation using the secant method:
Compute the n th root of a number using the bisection method:
Compute roots using specific starting points, precisions and numerical methods.
Find the roots of an equation using Newton's method:
Find the roots of an equation using the secant method:
Compute the n th root of a number using the bisection method:
Use numerical integration methods, such as the trapezoidal rule, to solve integrals.
Numerically integrate functions that cannot be integrated symbolically:
Approximate an integral using a specified numerical method:
Compute solutions to ordinary differential equations using numerical methods, such as Euler's method, the midpoint method and the Runge–Kutta methods.
Solve an ODE using a specified numerical method:
Specify an adaptive method: