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Get calendar information or convert to another calendar system.
Find information about a specific week, month or year:
Investigate dates of civic and religious holidays.
Find the date of a holiday:
Calculate how many days until a holiday or whether a holiday is on a certain date:
Discover when the next specific non-traditional holiday will happen:
When in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Get information about a time zone:
Find the current time in a specified city:
Compare the local time in several cities:
Convert a specified time to local time:
Convert time in one time zone to another:
Add or subtract time and figure out how many days/hours/minutes between times.
Add and subtract dates and times:
Get information about a specific day:
Find out information about what happened or will happen on a certain date or how to celebrate a certain date.
Figure out when an event will happen:
Discover wedding anniversary information:
Find birthstones and birth flowers:
Explore births and deaths by date or by person: